Friday, April 26, 2013

Impact of Blogging

Web Logging or Blogging as it is called today is the electronic form of journaling. I remember as a child in grade school we were to keep journals in our English class to document our experiences or thoughts day to day. Now what was once a simple assignment has now evolved in to a media outlet where any one can write or comment about their thoughts and feelings for the world to see.

When you think about it and know that someone is reading your words and thoughts, it's amazing and also a little weird. But this is life as we know it! People blog to voice their feelings or concerns and allow others to share in their passion. To a degree words have power if you are compelling enough to write a moving speech about equal rights or laws.

This simple yet effective and large forum allows my voice as well as others to be heard where if I wanted to gather some people to rally and spark a change I have a free stage to do it. I can reach people across the world just by clicking "publish" and in an instant my message has gone viral. Not to mention the ability to use this forum to help those in need of encouragement providing kind words or expressions to uplift someone's spirits.

Blogging has made such an impact on society that people and even companies use it, but just under 140 characters. Here I am referencing Twitter an the new fascination Instagram. Although Instagram is just reaching being mainstream and involves photos being snapped at the time, Twitter has become the accepted medium of the two. Companies and individuals use Twitter to advertise, promote, report, and comment on various subject matters. Depending on your usage, like Blogger, people can "follow" you to see what new comments you will make. If you are intriguing and sort of a big deal, people will hang on your every word waiting for the next post.

Bringing it back to the impact of blogging, this medium allows us to express ourselves freely with no reservations. We can say what we want, how we want due to freedom of speech.  With this platform we stand on we can either spark change or create controversy. The choice is up to the writer and what he/she publishes.

Google Drive or something else?

Google Drive doesn't mean you can use it in your car and expect to reach your destination. Yet it is a platform designed to allow users the ability to store and share documents with other users of their choice. One would say it is a form of cloud computing given the ability to access the documents anywhere there is Internet access. I would agree!

I began using the platform to test out its effectiveness and see if it could be used as an alternative for personal use compared to my external hard drive with cloud capabilities. I would like to have performed this comparison for my employer but given my line of work, security plays a major role and I can't say Google Drive is secure enough. So the comparison would be my own cloud on my network or Google Drive?

From my experience Google Drive shares some of same functionalities as other cloud platforms. The accessibility, storage, sharing, plus it's backed by Google. However a major flaw that I found to be counterproductive is the sharing of a document with editing capabilities that could occur simultaneously in real-time. Some would find that feature as being fantastic, I found it to be a headache. I couldn't tell if I were making a change or if the other user was. The program should remain simple where you upload and share or download. Plus for more storage space there is a fee.

With my own cloud, I purchased an external hard drive that allows me to access it via the Internet. So with any computer that has Internet I can access my storage, for free, any where I like. It does the same thing as any other cloud storage that is available except it's on my network. Therefore I own an control the documents and storage.

So which to choose, I would say it's a matter of preference. I prefer my external hard due to the fact of me owning the storage and knowing only my family can access it. It's password protected an provides an app to access the drive while on the go. Sharing documents is just as easy if not easier using my own personal storage versus Internet based.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

So many down to two

The blog title speaks for itself. This is my first blog ever, on blogger that is, but blogging isn't any different from keeping a journal. Except with this funky concept that Google provides us we can now share our thoughts with whomever. However, this blog is not about the history or the root of blogging. My first blog is about my quest to buy a camera. I am by no means a photographer or even an aspiring photographer. I just like to take tons of photos but am looking for the best camera to do it with.

Now I have been looking at cameras for almost a year. This all started when I got married an saw how outstanding my photos came out. Granted, my wife and I (I love you sweetie! Yes I'm madly in love with my wife) hired a professional photographer to capture that wonderful day, I thought after seeing the photos and said "hey I can take photos like that!" So I sat out on my quest to find a camera that would give me the best pictures. Since my wife and I are travelers and outdoors people, I coupled are activities and used it as more of a reason to buy a camera.

So after countless searching I ended up narrowing my choices down to two brands. Before I go further, I just want to add how expensive this hobby is and this greatly influenced my decision. I didn't want just your simple "point and shoot" but I wanted interchangeable lenses and so forth. After seeing the cost of lenses I knew that I was ONLY buying one lens and that was all.  Another factor was the size. Since I did my homework, I knew that the censor size matters for the clarity in pictures. Also the better the picture the more space it uses on my PC. But again, I'm not looking to be a professional, I just want good photos.

The choices I narrowed it down to are a Sony NEX-6 or a Canon T3i. Both are priced relatively the same, however, the Sony camera is smaller. The choice is not an easy one as Canon is know for its cameras. And Sony is best known for PlayStation. This process has been going on for a year and with hopes I will purchase one. I first must overcome the fact that technology changes like the season and what may be dated to the times now, the same product will be outdated within 6 months. In the end I have no new camera yet, but a formidable replacement has been my iPad.

Who needs a camera when you have an iPad?