Saturday, June 8, 2013

Bombardier Reflection

Executive Team,

I understand about a week ago you met with some consultants about the third phase of the ERP. I also emailed over some suggestions of my own but after reading the minutes from the meeting I found some points about the presentation that I did not consider.

From the beginning I felt as though the presenting of a phased roll-out would suit the company a great deal. The suggestions provided by the consultants on focusing the attention to the core business functions first would be best while giving them the ability to access legacy systems for a limited period of time. Also making sure that the system is acceptable to end users is key where we would not spend a lot of time figuring out a workaround.

Another point from their presentation that I agree with is the training provided to the employees and how it is delivered. I believe that job specific training will help in the development of the employee over time with the new system. This would mean a total revamp of our training program for the employees that will benefit us in the end.

Lastly is the tone from the top. Obviously here we are doing well and should continue on our path. We need to let everyone know to accept the new system and we are here to answer questions and make sure that everyone is provided adequate training.

I hope we will use these best practices suggested by the consultants as this would help us maximize the benefit of implementing this ERP.



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