Monday, May 20, 2013

Accenture Reflection

Dear Mr. Modruson,

A few days ago you met with a Prestige Consulting to determine our IT strategy and found that the topic if concern, or possible plain, is moving towards COBIT 5. I understand that we have implemented a massive overhaul of our IT system to go towards a single vendor. A strong point that was mentioned in the presentation was the usage of COBIT 5 for a financial gain. As this is a smart move for financial reasons, have we determined the number of clients who will benefit from this service? Have the consultants considered any potential setbacks or constraints if we decided to move towards COBIT 5? The process that is in place works well as it has been developed by you and your team, so you can spot a bottleneck in the process versus adapting to a new framework. In the end there are still some questions to be answered and the use of visual aid of our current process compared to the proposed framework could show more information.

The accreditation of COBIT 5 involves standards being put in place that will not allow for deviation. This would involve a commitment from the several departments and giving up the freedom that is in place now. I would suggest we should consider all the options prior to moving forward with this framework.


Timothy Booker

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