Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Ubuntu Tech Tool

Dear IT Team,

I am writing to you to bring forth an OS that I was reviewing online. The name of the OS is called Ubuntu. I know we currently use Windows as our operating system but what caught my attention was the similarities between both OS in terms of productivity suites.

For starters this is an Linux based platform, open source OS where Ubuntu, which is backed by Canonical, has volunteers who help build and keep Ubuntu running with the most up to date productivity suites. To give a background on Canonical, it is a partnership with Ubuntu where Canonical is responsible for delivering six-monthly releases, as well as co-ordinating security, trouble-shooting and providing an online platform for community interaction. Canonical works closely with businesses and individuals alike. Canonical also develops bespoke systems, provides comprehensive support and all the training that’s necessary to get everybody up and running. With more than 500 employees in over 18 countries, the company continues expanding to support the millions of Ubuntu users around the world.

Now that you have a foundation of Ubuntu and it's partnership with Canonical lets dive straight in to the productivity suite and its compatibility with Microsoft Office. From what I have tested on my own and read, the Libreoffice suite opens and allows me to edit my word and excel files with ease. It's almost like a seamless transition between the two OS office suites.

Considering using the Ubuntu OS system in our organization would be far fetched. Granted there would be tremendous cost savings but there are some many unanswered questions as will the software we currently use work with the Linux platform. Also considering the many access databases we have organized to pull data from other sources, a major overhaul of our OS to this magnitude would be costly in the realm training, implementation, and possible restructuring of our databases. Considering these factors, I do not believe this will be the best decision for our organization at this time. The savings do not outweigh the cost of having this OS.

Feel free to test Ubuntu yourself and let me know your thoughts.


Timothy Booker

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