Tuesday, May 21, 2013

iPad Case

Dear Newsbelkis,

I have researched the usage of Apple iPads for the Amrahp employees that are in the sales force. After speaking with the Head of IT, Sales Manager, and the VP of Finance, I compiled a list of concerns and gathered as much information I could find to present to you. The goal I believe that is trying to be accomplished is meeting the functional and technical requirements we have set.

The biggest concern that I found was the ability to safe guard our information. Apple has built these devices with standardized configurations that provide security. However, given the sensitive nature of the information we possess, we will need multiple layers of security. Some of the features we can utilize such as remote wipe if the device is stolen or lost, mobile device management, and digital certificates.

Since the device is primarily application based, appropriate apps must be either built or purchased to mirror what is used on the laptop. There are several third party vendors that are compatible with our Microsoft Office Suite or we can build our own app using Apple iOS Developer Enterprise Program tools. To gain access we will need to register each developer for the site and pay $299/year for the service. The good thing is we can build, test, and deploy the app using this tool. Here we can create an address book, calendar, task list, and much more specific to the user; sort of like an electronic briefcase.

I do not foresee this project being a burden on the company, however the initial costs and time to get the sales team established will be the biggest hurdle. Most of the information was readily accessible through www.apple.com/business. Check it out when you get a chance.



Timothy Booker

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